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Our Kids Zone is the safe space where our Care Workers provide quality moments for children from 4 to 10 years old. With activities that stimulate integration, teamwork and various mindful games, your child/ren will be taken care of while you can fully engage with Metanoia Markt activities, like a healing session, having a meal, attending a workshop or a visit to the stands. You can come spontaneously or make sure to reserve your spot in advance.

Enjoy your ME time!



We take care of your kids for you to care of yourself

We Provide:

A variety of kids books, cushions and a comfortable quiet zone

Creative tables with paper, glue, scissors, colouring pencils, cords, box with many different craft supplies

Playground with toys (cars, toy blocks, puzzles, games...)

Space to move and be foolish and also for community activities (circles to sit together, or playing games)
Fresh fruits and water

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Duration of the stay

Flexible periods for you enjoy stress free our Market!

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